Saturday, November 7, 2009

Paul Pena - New Train

"The world is here for giving, and life is here for living..."
"You got to go to Hell before you get to Heaven..."

You might be familiar with Paul Pena from his starring role in the award-winning documentary Genghis Blues. The film tells the story of how blind American bluesman Pena discovered the tradtional throat-singing style of Tuva, a remote central Asian country. After teaching himself to throat-sing, this man who was only able to go to the local corner store by himself went on to compete in Tuva's triennial world throat-singing championships in the country's capital of Kyzyl in 1995. He passed away ten years later in 2005 due to complications from diabetes and pancreatic cancer. This album, his second of soulful blues rock, was recorded in 1973 and features Jerry Garcia playing pedal steel guitar on a few tracks. RIP Paul Pena!


1 comment:

  1. any chance this could be re-posted? Or is this available anywhere else?
